our youngest brother,Taemin...he so sweet,right.... he make all girl melt with sweet looking....he look like a girl to me....he make me wanna call him my son..kekekeke.....so funny,right...our gap age just 2 years old....but he looks like baby to me....even he just transform be man but to me he just a baby,,,sorry Taemin....sorry my agie....kekeke....you make omma have heart-attack just look at your pictures....kekekeke....omma have heart-attack,Taemin-ah...be careful,okay...araso....hehehehe.....good boy...wow~~~he just to adorable....when he smile,his eyes will smile togerher with his lip....kekekeke...so cute....our maknae SHINee Taemin...
Temin♥♥ Is Min